A BIG thanks to everybody that has commented on Reddit, blogged, tweeted, retweeted, posted to their social media account, mentioned it their newsletters, and of course everybody that has submitted a .net related project. It’s been quite an experience.
Here’s a quick rundown of the most notable events of the past month and a short roadmap.
- 62 project submissions.
- over 25k page views.
- 550 project likes (launched the Like feature 4 days ago).
New features since launching the site
In no particular order:
- The site now has an RSS feed.
- You can now add a client or employer name when submitting a project as there are situations where crediting a client or employer is required, preferred, or just common courtesy. If the absence of such an option has kept you from showcasing one of your projects, know that you can now give credit where it’s due.
- The site has its own Twitter.
- I’ve added a filter bar to the site header so visitors can drill down into the projects more easily, instead of relying solely on the filter links on the project cards.
- Visitors can like/heart individual projects for a sense of appreciation and reputation to emerge.
- There were quite a few NuGet packages submitted so the homepage now features a “NuGet spotlight”. They get refreshed once a week.
- Creators can add a link to a package’s NuGet URL, if available.
- The number of project views is tracked and displayed on both the card and the project page so projects gain a certain level of authority.
- Projects I felt were interesting in any way, shape, or form are featured on the homepage. They get refreshed once a week.
- Projects show related projects on the detail page.
Upcoming features / features I’m considering
In no particular order:
- Developer/creator profiles.
- Allow people to comment on projects. This requires a membership system though.
- Show projects visually by country, on a map.
- Allow people to mark projects in an “I use this” kind of way, possibly linking used NuGet packages to their own projects, showing the building blocks of the app.
- An embeddable widget for creators to put on their site, showing views, likes, etc of their BuiltWithDot.Net submission.
- An option to bookmark projects. Also requires a membership system though.
- Community-driven tagging of projects.
- Organize projects in personalized collections. Membership, again…
- Order projects by reputation (likes, views, etc).
- A blog.
- More in-depth interviews with creators building with .net, about their work.
- Project commenting.
- GitHub stats on the details page for open-source projects.
- Embedded videos from YouTube allowing creators to demo their project.