"Xamarin.Android bindings for AndroidX - customview"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
Project website: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2113238
Repository: https://github.com/xamarin/AndroidX.git
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView
"Serilog logging adapter for Akka.NET."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Akka.NET Team.
"An XActLib assembly: a library to manage security. Defines contracts used by other assemblies (such as XAct.Security.FormsAuthentication, etc.)"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by XAct Software Solutions & Inc..
"Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse solution that makes it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze all your data using your …"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Amazon Web Services.
"Library for parsing E-MAX Director control and record data files used for transient data exchange"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Grid Protection Alliance.
"ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to SQL Azure. If you use these providers to develop your …"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
"FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#. The basic idea is that you can create migrations which are simply classes that derive from the M…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Sean Chambers, Josh Coffman, Tom Marien & Mark Junker.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!
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