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"Iced is a high performance and correct x86 (16/32/64-bit) instruction decoder, disassembler and assembler written in C#.It can be used for static analysis of x86/x64 binaries, to rewrite code (eg. remove garbage instructions), to relocate code or as a disassembler.- ✔️Supports all Intel and AMD instructions- ✔️Correct: All instructions are tested and iced has been tested against other disassemblers/assemblers (xed, gas, objdump, masm, dumpbin, nasm, ndisasm) and fuzzed- ✔️100% C# code- ✔️The formatter supports masm, nasm, gas (AT&T), Intel (XED) and there are many options to customize the output- ✔️The decoder is 2x+ faster than other similar libraries and doesn't allocate any memory- ✔️Small decoded instructions, only 32 bytes- ✔️High level Assembler providing a simple and lean syntax (e.g `asm.mov(eax, edx)`))- ✔️The encoder can be used to re-encode decoded instructions at any address- ✔️API to get instruction info, eg. read/written registers, memory and rflags bits; CPUID feature flag, flow control info, etc- ✔️Supports `.NET Standard 2.0/2.1+` and `.NET Framework 4.5+`- ✔️License: MIT"


6 years ago728

Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by 0xd4d.

unknown, Unknown country

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Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.

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