"AWS Systems Manager ASP.NET Core Data Protection Provider library allows you to use AWS Systems Manager's Parameter Store to store keys generated by ASP.NET's Data Protection API."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Amazon Web Services.
Project website: https://github.com/aws/aws-ssm-data-protection-provider-for-aspnet
Repository: https://github.com/aws/aws-ssm-data-protection-provider-for-aspnet
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Amazon.AspNetCore.DataProtection.SSM
"Helpers for building Angular 2 applications on ASP.NET Core."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.AspNetCore.AngularServices.
"A collection of analyzers related to best practices for writing asynchronous code."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Sam Harwell et. al..
"Easiest to use library that allows one to host .net core as windows services there is."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Peter Kottas.
"A C# Glob library for .NET and .NET Core."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Kevin Thompson <kevin@theautomaters.com>.
"Receive information about the device that you are using. Properties such as Model, Operating System, Version, Id, and even the ability to generate a unique Id for your a…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by James Montemagno.
"A date/time picker component designed to work with Bootstrap 3 and Momentjs.For usage, installation and demos see Project Site on GitHubFor LESS version install Bootstra…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Eonasdan.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
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