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Screenshot for .net library or nuget package Yantra. Managed JavaScript Engine for .NET.

"We wanted to bring modern JavaScript features to .NET. YantraJS is a JavaScript runtime written in .NET Standard. Yantra has two components: an Expression Compiler and a JavaScript engine. YantraJS.Core is a JavaScript engine containing Scanner, Parser, and Compiler, compiling JavaScript AST to ExpressionCompiler Expressions. That in turn is converted to IL and it can be saved. Expression compiler is similar to .NET's Linq Expression LambdaCompiler and supports compiling expression to method builder. It is not drop-in replacement but the API is quite familiar to Linq Expressions. Features 1. Compiles JavaScript to .Net Assembly 2. Strict Mode Only JavaScript* 3. Arrow functions 4. Classes 5. Enhanced object literals 6. Template strings and tagged templates 7. Destructuring 8. let const 9. Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet 10. Symbols 11. Subclassable built-ins 12. Binary and Octal literals 13. Module support 14. Null coalesce 15. Optional property chain identifier?.[], identifier?.(, 16. identifier?.identifier 16. Rest, Default, and Spread Parameters 17. Generators, iterators, for..of 18. Async/Await 19. Optional parameters 20. Many ES5 + ES6 features 21. CommonJS Module Support 22. Easily marshal CLR Object to JavaScript and the other way around 23. CSX Module support"

Yantra. Managed JavaScript Engine for .NET.

11 months ago365

Open source library or nuget package built with .net standard and c# by @akashkava.

enterprise, India

Project website: https://yantrajs.com

Creator website: http://www.neurospeech.com

Project twitter: WebAtoms

Repository: https://github.com/yantrajs/yantra

Client/employer: NeuroSpeech Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.

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