"Spending quite a lot of time in Kyiv, I was tired of trying to find the (very limited) showings of movies in English, as they dub most of the movies in Ukrainian. I talked to other expats, who had the same problem. So I built scrapers for all the cinemas in the area, aggregated the movies and showtimes, and built a fast/nice website, which will let you see which movies play in English and where/when. I also built a weekly newsletter, which is 100% automated. The biggest challenge was figuring out how to spread the word. I submitted to many English-language Facebook groups and reached out to local blogs etc. Most proud of how the site shows up organically in expat discussions when people talk about movies in English in Kyiv. It's always awesome to see others promote, what you created. Technically, I am also proud of being able to dynamically generate pictures for Instagram posts and the OG image for sharing, which is updated daily with up-to-date information, which makes it seem much fresher when people share on social media. You need to have a robust system for scraping, which needs to be flexible enough to not break on small changes to websites. You also need automated systems in place, that can detect if scraped data is getting stale (like if a scraper is not failing, but just no longer returning data). I am currently building a similar website for another large European city, where I also spend time."
Web app built with .net core and c# by @klausjensendk.
Project website: https://englishcinemakyiv.com
"Asemblr automates the legwork of your workflow requirements leading up to each event. That means no more spreadsheets or managing timelines and vendors manually. Instant…"
Web app built with .net framework and c# by @asemblr.
"Fully customizable MVC shopping cart built using .NET. Completely responsive with an action delegate pipeline to inject custom login into your checkout flow. Full API ca…"
Web app built with .net framework and c# by @RazorCart.
"HubCount is a startup that was born from the junction of technology with the world of accounting. Our mission is to transform the way accounting is done by bringing inno…"
Web app built with .net framework and c#.
"The inspiration for this project To share the collection of Tips for Visual Studio that I have gathered and use What it does Shows how to use features of Visual Stu…"
Web app built with .net core and c# by @LeeEnglestone.
"I am planning a number of web projects and have a background and experience in C#, MSSQL and ASP.NET so .NET was the prime candidate for the technology I would use. I wa…"
Web app built with .net framework and c# by @irishgeezer.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
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